From the Desk of Dr. Elaine Ruiz Lopez; June 8, 2024
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am thrilled to announce the much-anticipated publication of my first book, The Fight for Equity in the Bronx: Changing Lives Transforming Communities, One Scholar at a Time. I invite you to strategically access your networks to support me with the promotion of the Fight for Equity by posting the pre-order book information that contains the book cover onto forums and your social media networks. My book will be officially released on June 18, 2024.
I have written an inspirational memoir that chronicles my journey from childhood through young womanhood while growing up Puerto Rican in the South Bronx and overcoming extraordinary challenges. I take the reader through the complexities of a rebellious spirit that was fueled by outrage at witnessing first-hand the injustice and racism within the school system perpetuated against those who were from poor and marginalized immigrant communities.
It was my mission to deliver this story in an honest and authentic voice to illuminate the passionate pursuit for equity and access to a quality education for children of color. I chart my path toward a higher education which led me to becoming a teacher, eventually earning a doctorate from Teachers College/Columbia University, to later designing and leading the first community-grown, college preparatory charter high school in the Bronx.
The Fight for Equity examines the anti-charter school’s sentiment as well as the attacks against our school, within the first months of its opening and closely examines how the public school system sought to intentionally derail and shut down a community-led effort that received unequivocal support from parents. Eighteen years later, The International Leadership Charter High School is still thriving, graduating its scholars, and creating opportunities for first-generation students to attend a college or university of their choice.
In closing, one hundred percent of the royalties will be assigned to International Leadership Charter High School and will be earmarked for college scholarships for books, fees and meals for first year of college.